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Better-Looking Skin Starts in the Pantry

Pull up a chair. You’re about to learn two skin secrets that will not only save you money, they’ll give you better-looking skin.
First: you can skip those pricey trips to the dermatologist.
Second: food’s not just for eating.
Ok, so this doesn’t mean that you should ignore cosmetics completely. But it does mean you’ll find some surprising uses for common foods that are probably sitting in your pantry. The best part? They don’t have to go in your mouth to make better-looking skin. Your skin will wear the benefits and you’ll avoid the calories.

Vegetable Shortener – Soothes the Skin

The next time to reach for Crisco, consider this. Vegetable shortener removes make up and makes a great facial moisturizer What’s more, this common product can treat eczema and can also help sunburns heal. Apply to the infected area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse, pat dry and gently apply a layer of olive oil.

Green Tea Bags – Reduce Under-Eye Puffiness

Drink green tea for your health, and use the tea bags to treat under-eye puffiness. Soak the bags in water and put them in your freezer. When they’re cool, place them on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes, dim the lights and chill out. The polyphenols in tea bags can tighten skin, and are one of the best anti-aging secrets going.

Apple Cider Vinegar – A Natural Exfoliant

Better-looking skin needs to exfoliate at least once a week, and you can do that with apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and dab on to the face, while avoiding contact with your eyes. Leave on for at least 45 minutes. Then rinse, and gently apply olive oil.

Honey – Great For the Face

Winnie the Pooh loves it, and so does your face. Honey is loaded with vitamins and does things for your facial skin that few cosmetics can duplicate. Honey is also an antibiotic and can kill bacteria. For best results, add a little sugar and exfoliate with both in the shower.

Sugar – Rejuvenates the Skin

Sugar may be bad for your diet, but it’s great for your skin…when used as an exfoliant. Keep a jar of it in the bathroom. Apply with a clean cloth to your body, and be particularly gentle when applying to your face. Then rinse, and watch those diet-saboteurs flow down the drain.

Olive Oil – Liquid Gold For Your Body

Another jack of all trades that you really want in your home, olive oil has too many health benefits to mention, and does double duty in the kitchen and the bathroom, as a moisturizer. Apply olive oil after exfoliating, and while you’re at it, massage a few drops in your hair as well.

Lemon Juice – For Hydration

Water is good. Water and two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice is even better. For best results, down a tall glass of warm water and lemon juice first thing in the morning, before breakfast. This hydrates the skin and will kick-start your metabolism.

Yogurt – Beats Rosacea

Yogurt and rosacea. A weird pairing by any standard, but also one of the best treatments for facial redness, yogurt can ease rosacea symptoms and reduce the effects of outbreak triggers like spicy foods. Apply yogurt as a mask. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then rinse gently and apply with – you guessed it – olive oil.

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