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GenF20® Plus works by releasing your body’s own human growth hormone (“HGH”). HGH is associated with effects that are like immunity to the passage of time.

  • Daily HGH Releasing Supplement
  • Fights Aging… Naturally!
  • Look Up To 10 Years Younger
  • Feel More Energetic
  • Doctor Endorsed For Results!

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Increased IGF1 By 28% After Just 12 Weeks


You Can Look And Feel As Much As 10 Years Younger

... With The Help Of HGH "Youth Hormones"!

As we age, our body’s natural production of human growth hormones (a.k.a. "HGH") begins to drop off.

And as our levels of "youth hormones" drop, we begin to look and feel older.

Body fat begins to accumulate, skin begins to sag, grey hair and wrinkles appear, our energy decreases, we lose memory and focus... We start to look and feel tired, worn out, and OLD!

Fortunately, science has proven that we don’t need to accept HGH-accelerated aging as "natural" or "unavoidable." Because now there’s a way to boost your body’s production of HGH naturally, without hormone supplements, to slow and in some cases even REVERSE the effects of aging on your body and mind.

With GenF20® Plus, a series of potent herbals are combined to help trigger the natural release of HGH. And as the ingredients begin to take effect and your HGH levels begin to climb to more youthful levels after 30-60 days of supplementation, you may begin to both look and feel YOUNGER!

Anti-aging benefits may include:

  • Fewer wrinkles
  • Expression lines fade
  • Age spots are reduced
  • Skin looks firmer, more supple
  • Energy is improved
  • Lean muscle increases
  • Body fat melts away
  • Nails are stronger
  • Metabolism increases
  • Focus & memory improves
  • Greater sex drive
  • Lowered instances of depression
  • Cholesterol levels improve
  • You sleep better
  • Better vision
  • A healthier immune system

... Plus much more!

The formula is 100% natural, it includes no synthetic hormones, and there are no known side effects...

... And yet it’s so potent that GenF20® Plus has earned multiple doctor endorsements, including that of Dr. Steven Lamm and Dr. Jeff Hill!

So if you’ve been suffering with the effects of aging, why not try it yourself?

Your results are guaranteed thanks to our generous 67-day money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose... And a more youthful looking body, with incredible energy and improved health, to gain!

Try It RISK FREE For 67 Days! Just choose your savings package below to get started now!


Discover The Anti-Aging Benefits Of "Youth Hormones"

It's true, you really can turn back the hands of time and reclaim the youthful appearance, vigor, and health of your 20s and 30s. The secret is HGH – "human growth hormones." The medical community has long known the anti-aging benefits of restoring your HGH levels back to what they were in your 20's.

It has been scientifically proven that plummeting HGH levels are one of the key causes of problems commonly associated with aging!

Replace the HGH you're losing every day, and you can begin enjoying benefits that include...

  • Diminished wrinkles, crows feet, laugh lines, and age spots
  • Skin that looks and feels firmer and smoother
  • Weight loss with decreased body fat
  • Strengthened nails
  • Restored hair condition and color
  • A faster metabolism
  • Stronger bones and increased bone density
  • Greater memory and focus
  • Better mood and mental sharpness
  • A strengthened immune system
  • Increased results from exercise

... Plus much more!

The Anti-Aging-System

The GenF20® Plus Triple-Advantage SYSTEM

Helping You Look And Feel YEARS Younger!

Using the GenF20 Plus SYSTEM is easy... Simply take the capsules twice daily, and after 30-60 days of supplementation, you can expect to feel the anti-aging effects.

(Some clients report seeing results in as little as 14 days, but everyone is different. Those with the lowest levels of HGH will see more dramatic results FASTER than those who begin supplementation with higher levels of HGH.)

As mentioned, this supplement doesn't contain any synthetic hormones.

Instead, they encourage your body to naturally begin releasing more HGH using a series of amino acids, nutrients, and herbals that target your pituitary gland, your primary source of HGH!

To better understand how it works, let’s take a look at the 3 components of the GenF20® Plus SYSTEM:

Advantage #1 - GenF20® Plus Daily Supplement

The first part of the GenF20® Plus SYSTEM is the daily supplement that you take 2X daily.

Rated #1 by our clients and doctor endorsed for results, this all-natural HGH releaser works quickly, so you begin to start feeling the anti-aging effects within the first month of taking it.

Again, it’s all natural... Yet it goes straight to work, targeting your pituitary gland to begin releasing more youthful levels of HGH, so that within 30 days you begin feeling the anti-aging effects that may include:

  • A more youthful-looking face and body
  • Great muscle tone
  • Weight loss
  • Improved sex drive
  • Way more energy
  • Stronger immunity

... Plus much more!

Ingredients include a potent combination of amino acids, nutrients & peptides – all known for their HGH boosting effects, including L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine, Colostrum, Anterior Pituitary Powder, and more!

Advantage #2 - Tested In Human Clinical Study

This amazing HGH-releasing formula was tested in a human clinical trial.

The results were quite impressive.

This was a 12-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 61 participants.

So, this means, half the group received a placebo and the other half received the GenF20 Plus formula.

The results? When the researchers tallied the results they were shocked to find those given the GenF20 Plus formula saw their IGF-1 levels bounce upwards by 28%!

Advantage #3 - The Enteric Absorption System

For any supplement to work, your body must first absorb it!

That’s why in the creation of GenF20® Plus, we insisted on using an Enteric Coating, which helps to ensure the maximum amount of ingredients in each capsule is absorbed by your body!

Enteric coating is usually seen on expensive pharmaceuticals... It’s rarely used on nutritional supplements.

However, our research has shown that supplements WITHOUT enteric coating are only absorbed at rates of 10-15%, where enteric coated supplements are absorbed at rates of 80-90%!

So we INSISTED that GenF20® Plus be created with the enteric coating – to help maximize the anti-aging effects!

Try GenF20® Plus RISK FREE For 60 Days!

Ready to turn back the hands of time?

Then choose your savings package below with confidence, knowing that your purchase today is backed by our industry leading 67-day money back guarantee. Use the product for 60 days and if it doesn’t produce the anti-aging effects you desire, return it within 67 days of purchase for a full refund minus only your shipping and handling fees.

It’s fair... and risk free! Choose your savings package below now...

Doctor Recommended

​​Dr. Steven Lamm, M.D.

“Throughout my career as a doctor, researcher and author, I am constantly investigating new solutions and supplements that I can share with my patients to help them improve the quality of their life as they age, and that is why I want to introduce you to GenF20® Plus, a powerful, all-natural human growth hormone releaser.

You see as people age, your production and supply of this very important hormone, called the human growth hormone, dramatically drops off, resulting in a decrease in muscle mass, increase in belly fat, saggy skin and wrinkles, along with many other unpleasant side effects associated with aging.

That is why GenF20® Plus is such a powerful solution to combat the inevitable aging process. It was formulated to help stimulate your body to produce its own human growth hormone to help return your HGH levels to what they were at their peak.

And by stimulating the body to produce its own HGH, you support smoother, younger looking skin, increased metabolism and faster weight loss, more sound, satisfying sleep, consistent higher energy and mental alertness and stronger sex drive and better sexual response.

​Dr. Jeff Hill, DPT, MA, CSCS

“I was recently introduced to your product GenF20® and have seen great results with my patients using it. I am often asked for nutritional product recommendations and highly recommend this product to my patients/ athletes. This product is beneficial for both athletes and patients undergoing rehab to enhance their full rehab potential.”

As a doctor, I am very critical of many of the natural anti-aging products available today. But I would wholeheartedly recommend GenF20® Plus to anyone who wants to naturally increase their HGH levels and improve their overall health as they age.”


GenF20® Plus Daily Supplement contains 16 powerful ingredients, each playing an important role in stimulating your body
to naturally increase your HGH levels, including:

L-Arginine Molecule

L-Arginine - 130mg

Clinical studies have shown the arginine can as much as triple your HGH levels, even into old age. And it can
also help improve your exercise performance for high-intensity, short duration work outs.

It increases fat burning, builds muscle tissue, boosts immunity, fights cancer, promotes healing, enhances male
fertility, and more!

Your body doesn't naturally produce arginine; you must get it from your diet. So it's an important addition to
GenF20® Plus.


L-Glutamine - 115mg

It's the amino acid used most by your body during times of stress, and it's the key to metabolism and
maintenance of muscle, cell division, and cell growth. It increases energy and mental alertness.

Plus studies have shown that it boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, reduces instances of
arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and more!


L-Glycine - 100mg

​It's one of the key stimulatory agents that encourages the pituitary gland to secrete HGH! It also has a
calming effect on the brain and may play a role in the health of the prostate.


L-Lysine - 100mg

When lysine is taken in combination with arginine, it's been shown to be ten times more effective than just
taking arginine alone. It too is reported to boost immunity and improve genital function!


L-Tyrosine - 100mg

Tyrosine is used by the thyroid gland for the production of Thyroxine, another vital hormone shown in clinical
studies to help reduce fatigue and depression, as well as regulate growth and metabolism!

Astralagus Root Extract

Astralagus Root Extract - 60mg

In western herbal medicine, Astragalus is often used to enhance metabolism and digestion, strengthen the immune
system and help wounds and injuries heal. It is also believed to help improve the function of the lung, adrenal
glands and the gastrointestinal tract, increase metabolism, sweating, and reduce fatigue.

Deer Velvet Antler

Deer Velvet Antler - 50mg

Your joints will like Deer Velvet Antler. It’s rich in movement-friendly glucosamine, chondroitin and collagen –
the first of which is found in cartilage tissue. Deer Velvet Antler also contains Insulin-Like Growth Factor
(IGF-1), which is known to indicate a rise in HGH.


GABA - 50mg

​GABA, or Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid, is a powerful amino acid that was first discovered in 1883 in Berlin. It is
classified as a nearuotransmitter, which means it helps nerve impulses cross the synapses (gaps) and communicate
better and has a number of positive effects on the nervous system. In addition, GABA stimulates the production
of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).


Colostrum - 50mg

Benefits include increased immunity, accelerated healing, increased bone and lean and muscle mass, and decreased
Colostrum contains IGF-1 (insulin like growth factors), which are actually products of HGH. IGF-1 is used to
measure HGH production levels and it's thought that IGF-1 is actually responsible for the anti-aging effects of

Colostrum is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals in late pregnancy and the few days after
giving birth. GenF20® Plus includes Bovine Colostrum, which is virtually identical to human colostrum and
actually contains MORE of some of the most beneficial properties!


L-Valine - 40mg

​L-Valine is an amino acid and a branched-chain amino acid found in high concentration in the muscles. L-Valine
can not be made by the body, and must be acquired through food or dietary supplements. It has a stimulating
effect and is needed for muscle metabolism, repair and growth of tissue and maintaining the nitrogen balance in
the body. Since it is a branched-chain amino acid, it can be used as an energy source in the muscles, and in
doing so preserves the use of glucose.

Phosphatidyl Choline

Phosphatidyl Choline - 25mg

It's a purified extract from lecithin which acts as an excellent emulsifier, facilitating the absorption of the
other nutrients included in GenF20® Plus.

Phosphatidyl Choline also emulsifies and breaks down fat deposits in the body, making it helpful in the
prevention of gallstones, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and liver problems, depression, memory loss, and
neurological disorders.


L-Ornithine - 25mg

​Studies have shown that Ornithine is about doubly effective as arginine, which as mentioned above, can as much
as triple your HGH levels! Especially when used in combination with arginine, lysine, and glutamine, also
included in GenF20® Plus!

GTF Chromium

GTF Chromium - 0.1 mg

Required to transport glucose from the blood into the cells, chromium helps maintain glucose levels by enhancing
insulin activity. And lower blood glucose levels can increase the release of HGH!​​

Chromium also assists with weight control, helping you to maintain a healthy metabolism, increasing your energy,
and reducing body fat!


Here's what just a handful of our thousands of satisfied customers have to say about their experience with GenF20® Plus:

​"GenF20® Is The Best Product That I Have Ever Taken!"

I've been taking Genf20 for a month now. I have not yet noticed any discernible difference, but will continue as my understanding is that it can take several weeks to build up in the body.
I have had problems with the spray bottle repeatedly plugging up, but found that by removing the cap and flushing it with hot water it clears the blockage each time, which I hope is helpful to everyone else who has mentioned this same problem. I received a damaged bottle in my first shipment and customer service took care of it quickly for me and sent out a new one, so I am pleased overall

-Curtis, Kingston, Canada

​"GenF20® Is The Best Product That I Have Ever Taken!"

​My name is David and I have a testimonial that I would dearly love you to pass on. I have been taking GenF20® now for approximately 1 month and for the first time in over 8 years I have not needed to take my other medication for sinus. I have been taking a pseudoephedrine product for 8 years and ever since I've started GenF20® I have no need for that medication. It is a pure miracle for me to have found you guys. GenF20® is the best product that I have ever taken. I feel so much healthier. Thank you so much. I hope that you maintain this product exactly as it is as it's perfect in my opinion.

-​David Freeman, Australia

​"Energy And Sex Drive Are Incredible..."

My skin, hair, nails are vastly improved (hair is thicker!). I have diminished cellulite on my inner thigh that I have tried, until now, to improve for years!
My energy and sex drive are incredible! I highly recommend GenF20® to all my friends and my family already has a supply. My mother has asthma and now has more energy than ever!

​​-​​Sylvia Denonna, New York, New York

​​​"Better Mood And I Sleep Much Better..."

​For sure! GenF20® makes sex better... better muscle tone... better mood and I sleep much better!

-​​​Richard J Cowell, Truxton, New Jersey

​​"I Look And Feel Ten Years Younger..."

​My sex drive has increased substantially. My energy has increased substantially... I look and feel 10 years younger!

-​​​​James Brown, Tamarac, Florida​"Better Skin Tone..."

​Increased my stamina... less loss of hair... more vitality... better skin tone... and better health!

-​​​​​Joel Bussiere, Champlain, New York

​​​"Stopped Me From Feeling Down..."

​I need to tell you at first I gained energy and I thought that was all... but it was way more. I lost a few pounds and slimmed down.​
But I really didn't know mentally how good your product made me feel until I stopped taking it.
It stopped me from feeling down and helped stop bad dreams... I love this stuff!

​​-​​​​​​Joseph Gomes, Weymouth, Massachusetts

​​​​"More Energy And Muscle Mass..."

I have used GenF20® for about a month now and I have more energy and muscle mass and sleep very well now... before GenF20® I could barely even sleep 4 hours at night! This product is a blessing!
You won me over... just continue to do the great job that you are doing and I will be your customer for life!

-​​​​​​​Robert Garcia

"Overall Health Has Improved..."

​Improvement in sleep, overall health has improved... noticeable gains in energy and motivation and improved sexual desire!

​​-​​​​​​​​Robert Heath, Mankato, Minnesota

​​​​​​"Look Exactly The Same As When I Was Younger..."

​I have used GenF20® for a couple of years now and have noticed a difference maintaining weight, better skin and definition. I have more energy and can pretty much do and look exactly the same as when I was younger... GenF20® just seems to keep my age where I'm at!

​-Michael Masch, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania

​​​​​​​I Highly Recommend This Product To My Patients!

"I was recently introduced to your product GenF20® and have seen great results with my patients using it. I am often asked for nutritional product recommendations and highly recommend this product to my patients/athletes.​
This product is beneficial for both athletes and patients undergoing rehab to enhance their full rehab potential."

​-​Dr. Jeff Hill, DPT, MA, CSCS

Everyone Says I Look 35... And I'm 50!

​"I have always been very afraid of aging, you know, becoming old and useless and unattractive. When I turned 50, I decided to do something about it. Now everyone says I look 35!"

-​​Jud V., Albany, NY

​​​​​​​​​I Look 10 Years Younger!

​"In my 20s, I was a model and commercial actress in TV ads. Everything depended on my looks and ability to be beautiful at all hours and in all conditions. As I got older, I despaired of ever looking great again, but GenF20® is my secret potion.
Conservatively, I'd say I look 10 years younger than my real age now (which I guess I do not have to reveal anymore)!"

-​​​Liza S., Appleton, WI

My Hair Has Stopped Graying And Thinning!

​"Restoring my former levels of fitness and energy with this product. Also have noted that my hair has stopped graying and thinning!
This is after only 2 months on the HGH – will update you later on my progress."

​-​​​​Mark H., Cleveland, OH

I Can Finally Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle!

​"This has made all the difference in my dieting efforts. I can finally lose fat without losing muscle, and I feel I'm on the road to a better, more positive and more fit me!"

​-​​​​​Cory V., Austin, TX

My Friend Recommended GenF20... And She Looks Fabulous!

​"I feel worn out, and my skin and muscles are sagging. Please send me a full supply of GenF20® which was recommended to me by my friend who looks completely fabulous and is fit and active.
If I could have a fraction of her energy and beauty I'll be ecstatic."

-​​​​​​Sue B., Providence, RI

Phenomenal Results!

​"Phenomenal effects on the sleep problems that have plagued me since my teens."

​-​​​​​​​Kevin W., Rockford, IL

​​I'd Recommend This To Anyone!

​"Is there anything worse than being an obsolete old man? I just couldn't accept this as my fate.
GenF20® has totally turned me back from that path. It's no longer inevitable to become old, weak and incapable. I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to prolong the 'peak' part of their lives."

-​​​​​​​​Josh L., Boston, MA

​​I Haven't Been Sick!

​"I haven't had a cold or flu since starting with this HGH."

-​​​​​​​​​Doug G., Milwaukee, WI

Better Muscle Tone!

​"I have better muscle tone, my skin is smoother, and my hair is thicker and shinier!"

​-​​​​​​​​​​Osias G., Keene, NH

​​I Feel Like The Clock Has Been Reset!

"I suffered from depression so severe that I hardly left my house for almost ten years. The constant fear and worry took their toll on my body and face. When I finally sought help, I felt as though I'd lost a big part of my life, and wished I could go back again.
As part of my recent therapy, I've been introduced to GenF20, and as much as anything, I attribute this product to my new appearance and outlook. I really do feel like the clock has been reset.
Thank you for giving me back those years!"

​-​​​​​​​​​​​Marnie J., Pensacola, FL

My Only Regret Is That I Didn't Discover This Sooner!

​-​​​​​​​​​​​Makayla R., New York, NY


What is GenF20®

GenF20® Plus is an Human Growth Hormone (HGH) releaser - a powerful, doctor-approved system.

It's formulated with a very special, scientifically engineering combination of nutrients, amino acids and peptides, designed specifically to jump-start your pituitary gland to naturally release your body's fountain of youth hormone, HGH.

As you age, your HGH levels begin a slow, yet very noticeable decline...

... And as science has proven, this decrease in HGH levels directly influences how quickly the body ages. Those wrinkles, the extra flab around the belly or thighs, loss of hair (and original color), declining memory, loss of sex drive and more.

GenF20® Plus helps your body naturally produce youth-friendly HGH on its own, without the need for costly, and potentially dangerous synthetic injections of growth hormone.

All done with the convenience of a capsule, taken twice a day. Do it each day and you'll enjoy:

  • A young, vibrant appearance
  • Increased muscle definition
  • Boosted metabolism and healthy weight management
  • A turbo-charged sex drive
  • Lots of energy
  • And much more!

How will GenF20® Plus help me look young and feel great?

GenF20® Plus is designed to slow and even reverse the process of aging with your body's own natural 'youth' hormone.

You see, at 25, the average person's HGH levels sit at a healthy 600ug.

By 60, however, it's a different story, as HGH levels have typically plummeted to just 90ug - a mere 15% of their youthful bodies!

And it's made worse by the lives that many of us lead, with poor diet, lack of exercise and, let's be honest here, unhealthy lifestyles we lead that expedite the process as early as 40!

You've seen these folks before. They look old, worn-down and just plain tired. Are you one of them?

By stimulating your pituitary gland to naturally release youthful levels of HGH, GenF20® Plus awakens the body and turns back the passage of time, for a visibly younger, happier you!

How will GenF20® Plus help manage my weight?

GenF20® Plus encourages your pituitary gland to release more HGH. This, in turn, helps healthy weight management in a number of ways.

It helps...

  • Convert fat cells and use them for more energy!
  • Reduce fat storage around those unflattering places!
  • Manage a healthy range for your blood sugar!
  • Increase tone and your lean muscle mass!
  • Kickstart your metabolism so you burn more calories!

... All of which help you achieve healthy weight loss!

How will GenF20® Plus boost my libido?

While there are no current medical studies that document the effects of HGH on the sex drive, the glowing stories of sexy success from HGH users just can't be ignored.

Increased levels of HGH are reported to have a tremendous influence on the sex drive and with more enjoyment!

This ain't rocket science. Why would HGH just have a positive impact on the body with fewer wrinkles, better memory and more muscle mass? It's a hormone. Of COURSE it'll help your sex drive and function!

For example, it's well documented in medical studies that HGH can reverse shrinkage of your vital organs, including your heart and liver, that occur with age. Now it appears that HGH can reverse related aging of the penis and clitoris as well!

Men and women in their sixties and seventies are becoming sexy seniors thanks to HGH, with reported levels of sexual satisfaction similar to their twenties and thirties!

And they're doing it often - many are having sex 2-3 times a day with intense orgasms reminiscent of their teen years!

I've heard HGH products are just a scam!I've heard that HGH must be injected to work. If that's the case, how can your tablet be effective?

There is no synthetic HGH in GenF20® Plus.

Instead, you take a daily supplement (a convenient capsule) to encourage your pituitary gland to produce HGH naturally, on its own.

You're correct in that sense...HGH can't be introduced and absorbed into the bloodstream without injections. That excludes tablets, sprays, etc. The only way to receive HGH directly is with those beloved needles.

The problem with that? Injections can easily top $30,000 per year. They must be administered by a doctor and you only enjoy the benefits for as long as you're getting these expensive treatments.

GenF20® Plus offers a safe, cost-effective and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of your body's own production of HGH, without injecting a foreign source of synthetic drugs into your body!

The HGH comes directly from YOUR pituitary gland, just as it did in your 20s!

Will I need to visit a doctor?

Nope. GenF20® Plus is a natural supplement. No prescriptions are required, nor do you need intrusive treatments in a doctor's office.

However, if you're currently taking medications, have pre-existing conditions or any other medical concerns, you should consult with your physician prior to taking GenF20® Plus.

Isn't HGH banned by the FDA?

The FDA approved use of HGH for adult patients in 1996.

Before then, it was only authorized for use in children who were deficient in growth hormone (ie with dwarfism) to promote growth.

And HGH is still only available with doctor-prescribed synthetic injections

However, HGH Releasers like GenF20® don't actually contain HGH. That's an important distinction. Instead, they encourage your body to produce it naturally.

So you don't need a prescription to enjoy the benefits of GenF20® Plus. And the FDA approves HGH Releasers under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.*

* Please note, this does not imply an endorsement by the FDA.

Are GenF20® Plus and HGH "legal"?

We're often asked if GenF20® Plus is legal. Be assured that it is!

GenF20® Plus is an HGH Releaser, with no synthetic HGH. It's a 100% natural dietary supplement. As such, it's approved under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.*

Conversely, synthetic HGH injections are legal only with a doctor prescription and cannot be legally possessed or distributed in any other manner.

That's why you see so much hype about HGH in the media (and another reason to steer clear of companies that promise "Real" HGH over the internet!).


GenF20® Plus is an HGH Releaser – which encourages your body to produce HGH naturally, on its own, WITHOUT artificial inflation of your HGH levels!

Rest assured that GenF20® Plus is legal AND natural!

Is HGH just for seniors?

HGH production decreases with age. And therefore, older adults will enjoy dramatic results with GenF20® Plus.

But GenF20® Plus can improve quality of life in adults of all ages, as other factors, including stress, poor diet and lack of exercise can all pack a wallop on your body.

Age isn't the only factor that determines your HGH levels!

Can my child take GenF20® Plus?

Please speak with your doctor before using this product with children.

Any form of HGH supplementation with children should be carefully scrutinized and done only with the watchful eye of a medical professional. We think you'll agree this is common sense!

HGH levels typcially don't start their descent until the mid- to late 20s. Altering your child's natural production of HGH before then could affect their growth and development.

So please talk to your doctor!

How do I know GenF20® Plus is safe for me?

GenF20® Plus comes with no known side effects.

However, as with any natural supplement, we can't guarantee that GenF20® Plus is completely safe for your needs. After all, we don't know your medical history, allergies, medications etc...

We think you'll agree this makes sense!

What we CAN tell you is that thousands of people across the globe are successfully taking GenF20® Plus and are very happy with the results.

And we've gone a step further, for your peace of mind, with the same cGMP-certified manufacturer used by major retailers like Albertsons, Rite Aid, Wal Mart and more!

That's correct. Most of the same tests, procedures and quality assurance used by the big boys to make life-saving drugs are also used to make GenF20® Plus.

This means...

  • We're cGMP compliant and certified!
  • All of our raw materials are tested for purity before production.
  • We're more than happy to show you our Certificate of Analysis for our ingredients to prove their freshness, potency and safety - just ask!
  • Every box of GenF20® Plus is painstakingly marked with a lot number and expiry date as proof that we take your safety and our reputation very seriously!

... Believe us when we say that our high standards for quality eat into our profit margins.

But your safety and results are our #1 priority. Ethics come first. We can't imagine doing business any other way!

However, if you have specific concerns about using this product, don't hesitate to speak with your doctor!

Can I take GenF20® Plus with other supplements or medications?

There are no known drug interactions with GenF20® Plus, but again, please consult your physician for specific inquiries.

What's this about HGH and Mad Cow Disease?

The short version? There's no risk of Mad Cow Disease with an HGH Releaser.

Here's where this fear comes from..

GenF20® Plus is what's known as an "HGH Releaser". That's a natural, dietary supplement that encourages the body to release HGH naturally and without synthetic HGH injections.

The HGH your body produces with GenF20® Plus is completely NATURAL and therefore cannot cause Mad Cow Disease. This is arguably the safest way to increase HGH levels.

That said, between 1958 and 1985, thousands of growth-deficient children were treated with synthetic HGH taken from human cadavers shipped from Africa. Unfortunately, the pasteurization process used to make the hormone safe was ineffective.

The result was an abnormally high level of the treated children developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, better known as "Mad Cow Disease."

On this discovery, treatment with HGH taken from human cadavers stopped.

Then, in the mid-1980s, a company based in Indianapolis discovered a way to synthesize HGH that was 100% identical to the 191-amino-acid growth hormone produced naturally by the body.

This synthetic HGH, also called "somatropin", is the same man-made growth hormone administered via injections by medical professionals to treat dwarfism in children.

And notably, it's the same synthetic HGH used today that constitute the injections used to fight aging.

It's only available by prescription injections, which run between $10,000-$30,000+ each year.

But again, GenF20® Plus is an "HGH Releaser."

GenF20® Plus is dietary supplement and 100% natural way to encourage your body to produce HGH on its own, without those intrusive and costly injections!

OK, so where's the HGH?

It's in YOU! GenF20® Plus is a natural and potent blend of nutrients that are naturally engineered to encourage your pituitary gland to release HGH on its own.

This means you don't have to worry about the source of the HGH; it comes from your body.

The HGH you'll enjoy with GenF20® Plus is completely natural. You needn't worry about injections or any foreign source of HGH.

Will HGH make me big? And define "Growth Spurt"

Although HGH does indirectly influence growth of lean muscle mass, unless you're spending hours in the gym, you won't grow a disproportionate amount of muscle.

And you won't magically grow a foot taller, either;-)

The term "growth" simply refers to the role of HGH as it coordinates the complex dance of hormones in your body that affect everything from your skin tone and sex drive to fat retention and more.

GenF20® Plus promotes the natural release of HGH in your body and isn't associated with foreign injections, steroids and artifically elevated levels of HGH.

How will GenF20® Plus help me put on muscle?

GenF20® Plus encourages your body to release HGH. That, in turn, will stimulate secretion of IGF-1 from the liver and other tissues.

With this, your body increases its amino acid uptake, turning protein into muscle and other tissues.

Is HGH the same as "steroids"? Will it show in drug tests?

This a common question from body builders looking to bulk up.

This should answer your question:

GenF20® Plus is an HGH Releaser that stimulates your body to naturally produce HGH. Combine that with proper diet and consistent training and you're going to add muscle.

GenF20® Plus contains no synthetic HGH.

HGH, whether synthetic or natural, is not a steroid.

It's well-known that some body builders pursue synthetic HGH injections to elevate their levels of growth hormone well beyond the "normal" range in their efforts to achieve excessive muscle mass. Yet without a doctor's prescription, it's an illegal (and dangerous!) practice.

As such, almost every major athletic governing body, including the International Olympic Committee, bans synthetic HGH injections as a "performance enhancing drug."

On the other hand, GenF20® Plus encourages your body to produce HGH naturally, on its own, without synthetic injections, making it 100% legal. And it's MUCH safer!

Does GenF20® Plus contain somatropin?

It does not. Somatropin is just another name for synthetic HGH injections.

Rather than paying for intrusive and costly injections, GenF20® Plus encourages your body to produce HGH on its own, with a simple, daily tablet.

A convenient, affordable and effective way to enjoy similar results!

Is this going to cost a lot?

Not at all. HGH supplements with GenF20® Plus are very afforable!

(Surprisingly affordable, in fact!)

Because while injections of synthetic HGH can easily top $30,000 a year, GenF20® Plus offers similar benefits at a fraction of the cost. Better skin with fewer wrinkles, less fat storage, increased sex drive, mental sharpness and MORE!

... All for about the price of a cup of coffee each day. Life-changing health benefits have never been more convenient and affordable!

You can thank the latest in scientific engineering of amino acids that lower this cost production down so substantially...and we pass the savings on to you!

When can I expect results?

Most clients, regardless of current HGH levels, report feeling better, sleeping better and having more energy within the first 2-3 weeks of taking GenF20® Plus. Improvements in appearance and muscle tone, among other benefits, tend to become more pronounced after 2 months...

Plan to use GenF20® Plus for at least 3 months to fully realize the benefits of the program.

Results will vary depending on your current levels of HGH; people with lower levels, for example, tend to experience immediate and profound results.

And just like a multi-vitamin, think of GenF20® Plus as a daily investment for your health and happiness. Keep using GenF20® Plus for maximum benefits!

Stay with the program - without the supplement, your HGH levels will plummet yet again!

Do you guarantee your product?

Absolutely. We back GenF20® Plus with the best guarantee in the business, with a full 2 months to enjoy the life-changing benefits of GenF20® Plus with a NO RISK moneyback guarantee.

We know that it typically takes 2 months to realize the anti-aging benefits of GenF20® Plus. For that reason, you're invited to try GenF20® Plus risk-free for a very generous 60 days.

That's 2 complete months! And in that time, if you're not convinced that GenF20® Plus will change your life for the better, just return any unused products in their original containers and we'll refund your full purchase price, minus shipping and handling.

No questions asked.

Will you share my email or billing information with anyone?

Never. Your privacy matters to us.

We do not lease, sell or trade your billing and related information to third parties. We abide by a firm anti-spam policy. We don't spam. Period.

How will my name appear on my credit card statement?

Credit card charges will appear on your statement as "" or "".

How will you ship my product?
Promptly and with discretion, in a plain, unassuming package with a shipping label from "Leading Edge".

Orders shipped within the continental U.S. typically arrive within 2-7 days, depending on the shipment option you specified.

And remember, orders of 4 boxes or more receive FREE 2-3 day shipping in the United States!


Leading Edge Health products have gone viral! Everyone is talking about it; Celebrities, Influencers, likely even your friends!

100% Satisfaction

67 days guarantee

Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).

If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple containers, don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned, along with your first two opened containers (within the 60 day guarantee period) will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our products.

Please do not ship any product back after the 67 day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

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