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Liposomal NMN

Liposomal NMN is a natural way to boost your NAD+ levels. Research suggests that a decline in NAD+ levels is to blame for many of the trials that come along with aging. Clinical studies reveal how increasing your NAD+ levels can transform your life by allowing you to relive your youthful days in many ways.

  • Support Mitochondrial Health
  • Assist With DNA Repair
  • Increase Energy Levels
  • Improve Sleep Quality
  • Refine Mental Capacities (Like Memory and Focus)
  • Feel “Young” Again

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MSRP $79.00Now Only $69.00Save $10.00

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Grab Life By The Horns & Live Life To The Fullest

Most of us want to live longer, feel rejuvenated, and look younger. Until very recently, this has always felt like wishful thinking. However, science has made some leaps in recent years, making this a reality.

Researchers have conducted studies that reveal it is possible to feel decades younger. And this requires very little effort on your part.

Science Has Discovered One Little Secret to Life Extension

This scientifically-backed secret is nothing more than increasing your NAD+ levels.

The process of aging has been described as a “cascade of robustness breakdown triggered by a decrease in systemic NAD+ biosynthesis and the resultant functional defects in susceptible organs and tissues.”

To simplify, the entire aging process is triggered by the decrease in NAD+ levels as we get older. One simple solution is to increase your NAD+ levels.

“Boosting NAD+ levels have been shown to extend lifespan…”

“DNA damage… brought about by aging… can be evaded
by enhancing NAD+ count in the body”

Journal of Advanced Research
Volume 37, March 2022, Pages 267-278

“Numerous studies have demonstrated that
boosting NAD+ levels extends lifespan”

Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal 2020

Researchers are starting to think they have finally discovered the “fountain of youth” by boosting NAD+ levels. For something so monumental, very few people understand the intricacies of this concept.

NAD+ is short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. This is a coenzyme found in every living creature on this planet. It is essential for DNA repair and energy production.

Our DNA is constantly undergoing pressure that leads to damage and breakage. The body can naturally repair the deteriorated DNA, but this becomes more and more difficult as we age.

NAD+ is also linked with energy production and sleep quality. The older we get, the worse our sleep quality becomes. This leads to a decline in natural rejuvenation that the body does throughout the night.

Not only does every single living being on the planet have NAD+, but every single cell in the body relies on NAD+ for its basic functioning. Each person has 37.2 trillion cells in their body.

Now you should be able to have a better understanding of just how important and influential NAD+ is in this world.

But how does it work?

Scientists often refer to NAD+ as a “helper” molecule. It binds to other enzymes to help cause reactions on a molecular level. It is responsible for hundreds of human, animal, and even plant functions.

The Decline of NAD+ Levels

NAD+ measured in human brain tissue

“NAD+ Levels Are Constantly Declining”

Starting at a young age, NAD+ levels are constantly declining as we get older. In fact, some scientists say measuring NAD+ levels is the most accurate way to determine your true age.

Research shows that NAD+ levels are cut in half by the time your reach middle age. Now that you understand the vital role of NAD+ in the aging process, this may be concerning.

You may notice that even though you aren’t “that old”, you are significantly more tired and lethargic.

This is the reason science is trying to uncover ways to increase NAD+ production to help combat the unwanted symptoms of aging.

By increasing your NAD+ levels, you will enjoy not only a longer, healthier life, but you will feel better than you ever imagined. Just imagine the lively energy levels of your younger days!

All of the things you have been most afraid of with each birthday may be preventable. You don’t have to deal with demons like weight gain, muscle loss, sleepless nights, and aching joints that cause so much anxiety for some.

Science is on our side, and it is finally looking promising. There are so many options out there to increase NAD+ levels and keep yourself feeling young, healthy, and capable of everything you’ve dreamed.

Couple Dancing

Liposomal NMN As Your Weapon Against Declining NAD+ Levels

“NMN… can slow down [aging] by elevating NAD+ levels in the body.”

Journal of Advanced Research
Volume 37, March 2022, Pages 267-278

“[NMN] can rapidly increase the cellular NAD+ concentration.”

Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology Tokyo, Japan 2016

“NMN proved to be effective in… reversing mitochondrial dysfunction associated with aging”

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2020

Mature Man

The astounding results found of NMN fall nothing short of a miracle for those wanting to extend their lifespan and feel young for longer.

So what exactly can you expect from NMN?

The possibilities are endless, but here are some of the most widely renowned results to look forward to:

  • Improve your attitude and motivation
  • Increase your cognitive capacity
  • Facilitate a healthy cardiovascular system
  • Boost daily energy levels
  • Invigorate your metabolism
  • Develop better joint and muscle strength
  • Get a healthier sex life with a stronger libido
  • Optimize your quality of sleep
  • Build up your immune system once again
Genuine Purity Liposomal NMN

The results don’t stop there, however. Everyone experiences a different range of benefits. But no matter who you are, you should not be disappointed.

Increasing NAD+ levels with NMN can also:

Allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and mentally prepared

Improve your memory and concentration

Make you feel younger with a greater sense of vitality

NAD+ levels are also crucial in gene repair, expression, and overall cellular health. All of these aspects are critical when it comes to expanding your lifespan.

Who NMN Will Work For

Before hitting the shelves, NMN underwent a serious testing phase to be able to guarantee real, safe, and efficient results to everyone. It was subjected to three levels of screening.

First, it was studied in culture cells. Second, it was studied in lab mice. Third, it was studied in human clinical trials.

NMN passed all three stages with flying colors. This would lead you to believe NMN will work for everyone. That being said, there are still some people out there that claim it is a “scam” and didn’t work at all.

Couple stretching on yoga matts

There are 3 reasons why NMN has not worked for everyone.

The first reason NMN may not have worked for someone is due to its rapidly growing popularity. This sudden skyrocketing interest has caused fake NMN products to sprout all over the place.

The second reason NMN may not work is due to poor absorption. If NMN is not getting absorbed at a high level, it may not be as effective.

The last reason NMN may not be as effective for everyone is due to the wrong dosage. You want to make sure your body is getting the best proportions of NMN possible for maximum effect.

This is why Liposomal NMN does so well. You don’t have to worry about these three threats.

Liposomal uses pure NMN, utilized advanced absorption technology to aid the body in consumption, and uses a clinically studied dose.

Advanced, Research-Backed Technology to Lift Your NAD+ Levels

Our formula is guaranteed to provide you with real results.

There is no need to worry about authentic, pure ingredients, or negative side effects. Our formula has been tried and true in many clinical trials.

We could talk for hours and hours about what makes our formula unique and more action-packed than most you will see on the market. But instead, we will narrow this list down to five of the most important characteristics that you get with Liposomal NMN.

Characteristic #1 Pure NMN

Our formula is made with pure β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (96%).

As previously mentioned, there are a lot of low-level products that water down their formula or skip steps along the way. We use pure NMN which leads to more noticeable results.

Liposomal NMN even comes with a Certificate of Authenticity to provide even further reassurance to any skeptics.

Characteristic #2 Enhanced Absorption Technology

Our formula includes liposomal to guarantee maximum absorption. Our bodies don’t absorb every single thing we consume. This makes it hard to realize its full potential. Fortunately, liposomal can help with that.

The liposomal chemically bonds to the NMN, allowing for better absorption into the system. This gives the NMN practically complete access to the cells to increase NAD+ levels.

Characteristic #3 Scientifically Perfected Dose of NMN

We have spent countless hours and days perfecting the dosage of NMN to provide maximum support to the body.

At the end of the trials, we settled on a dose of 250mg of pure 96% β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide.

The dose of NMN is essential for optimizing your lifespan. Too much or too little will prove to be inefficient.

Our conclusion points to this dosage as the optimal choice to boost NAD+ levels safely and successfully.

Characteristic #4 Curated By The Experts

One of the reasons it is so hard to find pure NMN is that there are not a lot of suppliers out there. Fortunately, Genuine Purity has come to the rescue to help us create this life-changing product.

Genuine Purity is comprised of a team of anti-aging experts that know exactly what they are doing.

They have dedicated their lives to helping people like us fight this battle. And they are doing an excellent job of it with their pure NMN.

Characteristic #5 Comes With A Money-Back Guarantee

Not all companies are so confident in their product that they can offer a 100% money-back guarantee. We provide you with a very generous offer before you even purchase your product.

Here’s how it works.

You can try out the product, completely risk-free, for 90 days. Within the first 90 days of purchase, if you are unhappy with the product for whatever reason, you can ask for a refund.

We can offer this because we have so much confidence in our product and your satisfaction.

Organic, Safe, and Effective

The notable characteristics are not limited to those five, however. The list can go on and on.

Liposomal NMN is made in cGMP-certified facilities that follow strict guidelines set forth by the FDA. Safety, quality, and compliance are of high importance to us.

  • Icon: Zero GMO

    Zero GMO

  • Icon: cGMP

    cGMP Certified Manufacturing

  • Icon: Copyright Book

    Made in USA

  • Icon: Organic


  • Icon: No Prescription

    No Prescription Required

  • Icon: Stethoscope

    No Doctor Visits

  • Icon: Gluten Free

    ZERO Gluten

  • Icon: Soy Free

    ZERO Soy

  • Icon: No Eggs

    ZERO Eggs

  • Icon: Dairy Free

    ZERO Dairy

  • Icon: No Wheat

    ZERO Wheat Grain

  • Icon: Zero Sugar

    ZERO Sugar

  • Icon: No Preservatives

    ZERO Preservatives

  • Icon: 100% Natural

    100% Natural

  • Icon: Backed By Science

    Backed by Scientific Research

We use no hidden ingredients, no underground methods, and do not cut corners anywhere.

Liposomal NMN Makes Rejuvenation Simple

If you’re ready to start feeling like a younger version of yourself, we make it simple for you.

All you have to do is take one capsule a day and sit back and wait for results.

Liposomal NMN

Notice Results In As Little As 2 Weeks

Remember that drastic change does not happen overnight. That being said, many customers do claim to notice results immediately after taking the first dose.

For most people, you can expect noticeable results in as little as two weeks. While it may take slightly longer for some, you won’t be waiting around long.

Once you notice these “side effects”, you know its working:

  • Wake up refreshed from a solid night’s sleep
  • A noticeable increase in daily energy levels
  • Experience sharp focus and mental capacity
  • Improved metabolism leading to weight loss
  • Muscle and strength gain
  • Enhanced sex drive

While these might be the most visible results, the benefits won’t end there.

Liposomal NMN

Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Aging?

Getting older is normal, and yet most of us still fear it. This doesn’t have the be the case anymore. You can take control of your life and fully enjoy the sensations of youth once again.

The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll reap the benefits of this life-changing experience.

Increasing your NAD+ levels can help you feel more energized, alive, and youthful. There’s no reason to wait any longer than you already have.

There will be no better time than now to begin this battle within the body.

Liposomal NMN

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

One of the best things about Liposomal NMN is you can try it out completely risk-free.

We offer you a 90-day money-back guarantee.

This 100% money-back guarantee is a game-changer for so many people. You can try out this product for yourself and you will understand where all the hype is coming from.

So many of us set our wants and needs on the back burner. But our health, vitality, and youth should not be set aside.

There is absolutely no reason to put this off any longer than you already have.

Try out Liposomal NMN today, completely risk-free. We are confident you won’t regret it!

Liposomal NMN 90 Days Guarantee

Liposomal NMN+ F.A.Q.

NMN (β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is a predecessor of NAD+. NMN is vital in the production of NAD+. And remember, NAD+ is a necessary molecule in the age reversal process.

All of the research is pointing to low levels of NAD+ as the key culprit in the aging process.

Starting very early on, our bodies notice a drastic reduction in NAD+ production. NAD+ is necessary for a healthy metabolism, sleep quality, and cell rejuvenation.

By increasing your NAD+ levels, you are giving your body the tools it needs to better combat aging and slow down the biological clock.

As previously summarized, low NAD+ levels may be the root of this evil.

Liposomal NMN+ uses an advanced formula to safely and efficiently increase NAD+ levels.

It makes use of unique ingredients to enhance absorption into the bloodstream and allow for max potential.

You’ll notice increased energy levels, better sleep quality, and laser-sharp focus throughout the day.

It might make sense to just take pure NAD+ to increase NAD+ levels within the body. However, this is not the best approach. That is because NAD+ is just too big of a molecule for our body.

If you were to take NAD+ it would simply pass through the body without providing all of the advantages we’ve talked about.

Research points to NMN as the most effective means of increasing NAD+ levels.

We use 250mg of NMN in our formula. This is a clinically studied and approved dosage to guarantee results.

All you have to do is scroll back to the top of the page to place your order.

The more you order, the better the price will be.

Remember, you can order Liposomal NMN+ completely risk-free with our money-back guarantee.

You won’t find any other product like this out there.

And we can promise you that you won’t regret starting down this life-enhancing path with us.


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100% Satisfaction

67 days guarantee

Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).

If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple containers, don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned, along with your first two opened containers (within the 60 day guarantee period) will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our products.

Please do not ship any product back after the 67 day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

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