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  • 100% Herbal Daily Supplement
  • Doctor Approved
  • Increase Feelings Of Desire
  • ​Reduce Vaginal Dryness
  • Enjoy More Frequent Orgasms

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MSRP $69.95Now Only $59.95Save $10.00

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​Increase Feelings Of Sexual Desire... Naturally!

Women may experience less desire for sex for a variety of reasons.

Busy, stressful lives, poor nutrition, and hormonal changes that come with pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause can all wreak havoc on our libidos, causing our desire for sex to plummet.

Mentally, we may desire sex. But physically, our bodies just don’t cooperate. And suddenly what used to be a fun recreational activity with our partner turns into a chore.

Here at Natural Health Source, we believe that EVERY woman deserves to enjoy a fulfilling sex life. On YOUR terms!

And that’s why our team of women’s health experts have formulated Provestra™, the 100% natural libido enhancer for women.

It’s so effective that it’s now doctor recommended… yet it’s gentle enough that daily use is recommended and it comes with no unwanted side effects!

Benefits of daily supplementation with Provestra™ may include:

  • Dramatic boost in desire for sex
  • Increased frequency of sexual thoughts
  • Faster arousal, with more intense sensations
  • More vaginal lubrication
  • Faster total-body arousal
  • Passionate intimate encounters
  • More frequent and intense orgasms

Many women tell us that they begin to see these results in as little as 7 days after being supplementation.

However, it's important to remember that Provestra™ has been formulated to help your body recover from deficits and hormonal imbalances that have been created over time.

So it only makes sense that it's going to take a little time and patience to restore this natural balance.

That's why we recommend a minimum supplementation of 30 days before you decide whether or not Provestra is working for you... and then plan to continue supplementation to maintain the results.

Other benefits you may experience after 60+ days of supplementation include more regular periods, fewer hot flashes, boosted energy, fewer mood swings, reduced symptoms of PMS, and more.

Remember, there's no risk in trying Provestra™ because our industry leading guarantee supports your choice for 60 days with a generous money back guarantee.

Choose your savings package below to get started now!


​A 100% Natural Herbal Blend To Increase Female Libido

Provestra® has earned doctor endorsements for three simple reasons:

It's all natural... there are no side effects... and IT WORKS! This complex blend of herbals, nutrients, and
aphrodisiacs acts to gently and naturally correct imbalances that can interfere with your sex drive and overall
enjoyment of intimate sexual activities.

And it works quickly – within just 30 days of supplementation, you'll likely notice that the frequency of your sexual
thoughts increases, sensations are more intense, and total body arousal comes faster...

... Helping you to start truly enjoying sex again!

The Formulation Includes:

Symglucan (10.00%)


​Arginine is an amino acid that boosts nitric oxide. That in turn dilates blood vessels and stimulates greater
flow to the vagina.


​This is an aphrodisiac and mild relaxant. It's been used for over 4,000 years to stimulate desire for sex.



​IC3 appears to help stabilize excess estrogen – a common reason women complain of lower sexual desire.

​Korean Ginseng


​​Commonly used in Chinese medicine, Ginseng is an aphrodisiac believed to reduce menopause symptoms. It may
help your
immune system as well.

Ginkgo Biloba

​Believed to stimulate blood flow to the genitals, Ginkgo Biloba may help increase sexual satisfaction.

Damiana Leaf

Damiana Leaf

​An aphrodisiac that helps with muscle contractions, Damiana Leaf is believed to make the clitoris more
sensitive to
touch. It may lubricate the vagina and help regulate hormones as well.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh

​​Black Cohosh may help reduce hot flashes. It's a North American shrub that may relieve dryness, cramping and
has even
been used to address infertility.

Red Raspberry

​This may help support the reproductive system. It may also reduce PMS symptoms and hot flashes, and appears to
naturally balance estrogen levels.

Licorice Root

​​You may eat Licorice at the movie theater, but it may also help the body manage stress. Licorice Root is
believed to
manage fluid retention, may improve your mood and helps regulate hormone levels.

Ginger Root

​Ginger may do more than relieve an upset stomach. Among many other things, it's believed to be an aphrodisiac
stimulate blood flow to the genitalia, and make the erogenous zones more sensitive.

Valerian Root

Valerian Root

​This may help with relaxation and stress relief.



​Kudzu is a rich source of plant estrogen. It's believed to help regulate hormones and relieve menopause

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

​Vitamin A may support the uterus. It's essential for the reproductive system and helps regulate the sex hormone


Vitamin C

​Well-known for its anti-aging properties, Vitamin C also helps women get wet. It supports elasticity of the
tract as well, and may reduce menopause symptoms.


Vitamin C

​Well-known for its anti-aging properties, Vitamin C also helps women get wet. It supports elasticity of the
tract as well, and may reduce menopause symptoms.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

Your body needs Vitamin E to synthesize hormones. It also helps regulate the toxic effects of high estrogen
levels and
may also reduce dryness and hot flashes.

Vitamin B12

B-Complex Vitamins

​These are essential for a vibrant sex drive. B-Complex Vitamins help boost blood flow to the genitalia

Folic Acid

Folic Acid

​Low folate is linked to infertility. Folic Acid also helps make healthy red and white blood cells, and could
give you
an energy boost too.



​Biotin helps make cells and fatty acids. Among other things, it helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and
plays a
major role in metabolism.

Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Carbonate

​Calcium may give you a better orgasm. It helps your muscles contract during climax and assists with nerve
function as



​​This may help regulate your periods. Iron also helps red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body.


Zinc plays a role in a variety of sexual functions, and helps with greater stamina.

How does Provestra® work?

Desire for sex is one thing...having GREAT sex is another. Provestra® is a 100% all-natural and doctor-approved daily supplement formulated to increase a woman's desire for sex, with:

  • Deep and intense sexual sensations
  • More vaginal lubrication
  • Faster full body arousal
  • Putting passion back where it belongs - in your bedroom!
  • And putting regular, thoroughly satisfying orgasms within reach!

Provestra® is a proprietary blend of high quality herbals, nutrients and natural aphrodisiacs, all proven to rebalance shifting hormones that affect aspects of the female anatomy, for sexual performance and desire for sex.

Women today lead busy lives - we balance careers with family obligations, finances with housework. That leaves little time for proper nutrition, to say nothing of exercise!

Then, as if those weren't enough, our bodies change, with hormonal shifts that accompany:

  • Post-pregnancy
  • The menstrual cycle
  • Menopause
  • Exposure to synthetic estrogens (like hormone replacement therapy)
  • Poor diet, lack of exercise and stress

...Leaving us more exhausted and run-down than ever...and even LESS interested in sex!

That's why we've formulated Provestra® to gently nurture your body and balance shifting hormones. Provestra® naturally supplements the stressed and over-worked female body, putting utterly feminine feelings of desire for sex and deep, engorging and frequent orgasms back in your bedroom. Sex becomes fun, amazing and, dare we say it, ENJOYABLE once again rather than being a chore!

When will I see results?

May women report feeling results in as little as 7 days, with:

  • Noticeable increase in sexual appetite
  • Increased fantasies and anticipation of sex
  • Quicker full body arousal
  • More vaginal lubrication, faster
  • Intense sensations in the genital regions

However, please bear in mind that Provestra® is formulated to help your body recover from nutritional deficits and shifting hormones, in no small part from stress, poor nutrition, lack of exercise and more...

These didn't happen overnight, so it makes sense that it takes a little time to restore your natural balance!

That's why we recommend that you supplement with Provestra® for at least 30 days for increased, dramatic results, including:

  • More regular periods, and lighter, with less cramping
  • Fewer hot flashes
  • More energy
  • Fewer mood swings and reduced irritability
  • More intense, pleasurable muscle contractions with orgasms

..And much more!

I'm just not interested in sex...can Provestra® help?

You're probably in agreement that most women could benefit with a daily multi-vitamin, to fill in those nutritional gaps and buffer our health with essential nutrients and minerals, correct?

Well, Provestra® is that daily supplement for your sexual health and reproductive system, with those essential nutrients required to keep women at their sexual peak and to rebalance those shifting hormones.

Provestra® has a long and happy list of women who rave that it works.

And the vast majority of women who take Provestra® for at least 30 days report a dramatic increase in desire for sex, frequency of sex and deep, exquisite orgasms.

However, we don't know you. We're unaware of your medical history, relationship satisfaction, views on sexuality, stress levels and/or other factors that influence satisfaction of and desire for sex.

For that reason, it's difficult to say with 100% certainty that Provestra® will work for you

If you're unsure why you've lost interest in sex, a supplement like Provestra® should help. And it might be worth your while to speak with a medical professional to determine any underlying issues...

But please be aware that Provestra® is backed by a no risk moneyback guarantee. If it's not working for you, just return the product and containers and your money's refunded, minus shipping and handling.

Your satisfaction is our #1 priority - it's that simple.

I've never been very sensitive in the genital area. Can Provestra® help?

Yes, women regularly tell us that they've experienced heightened (and enjoyable!) sensations in their clitoris, labia and vaginal regions upon supplementation with Provestra®.

That's thanks to a powerful combination of botanicals and nutrients that promote relaxation and stimulate blood flow to the genitalia.

And this increases overall sensitivity of your privates, for more vaginal lubrication and full body sexual arousal. Are you good with that?

I've never orgasmed. Can Provestra® help?

Yes, we're pleased to say that many women experience their first orgasm thanks to Provestra®.

First, Provestra® helps to dilate the blood vessels. This helps you relax and enjoy the experience without trying so hard.

And secondly, Provestra® is formulated with a powerful combination of herbals and nutrients that combine to produce some of the most frequent and pleasurable muscle contractions you can imagine. You can relax and enjoy.

Can Provestra® help with lubrication?...Which then intensifies the cycle, with more lubrication!

So yes, Provestra® is designed to naturally increase lubrication, and it does so early in the sexual encounter, for a longer and more enjoyable experience, WITHOUT dryness.

Can Provestra® make sex more comfortable?

Absolutely...with more lubrication, Provestra® should make your encounters more comfortable, and fun!

Two common issues that make sex uncomfortable for women are 1) lack of desire, and 2) lack of lubrication...

Provestra® has been designed by our team of medical scientists to address both problems. With increased blood flow to the genitalia you'll have more intense arousal, with more lubrication and increased desire.

But if sex is truly painful for you, as opposed to just mildly uncomfortable, we suggest you speak with a qualified physician to rule out any adverse underlying issues...

And if you've had a negative sexual experience in the past, if you've been or are currently in an unsupportive or abusive relationship or received negative messages about sex when you were younger, you might speak with a therapist to articulate these issues...

I'm my sex drive finished?

Not a chance! If you're suffering from lack of sex drive, moodiness, hot flashes or other symptoms of menopause, you can do VERY well with Provestra®!

Both pre-menopausal and menopausal women can both benefit from Provestra®, with the ideal (and natural!) balance of hormones optimized for sexual health and enjoyment.

Many of our most devoted clients are menopausal women.

Men have plenty of help, both prescription and natural, to supplement and boost their sex lives. Now women have a safe and natural solution, with Provestra®, which helps women enjoy regular and satisfying sex!

Does it come with side effects?

Provestra® is very safe. Please note that there are several herbals in its formula that are NOT recommended for pregnant women, but it comes with no known interactions with medications and shouldn't interfere with birth control.

Some women report a slight increase in breast size as it balances hormones and optimizes the reproductive system, but that's it.

And if you're concerned about possible interactions with allergies, conditions or existing medications, please speak with your doctor.

Can I take Provestra® if I'm trying to get pregnant?

Once pregnant, you should discontinue supplementation with Provestra®, as it contains several herbals that are not recommended for pregnant women.

Remember, always consult with your doctor when taking supplements while you're pregnant - even vitamins!

How do I know that Provestra® is safe?

Provestra® is completely natural and formulated with only the finest herbal ingredients.

And we've gone above and beyond for your peace of mind; we use the same pharmaceuticals manufacturer that major retailers, including Rite Aid, Wal Mart and Safeway, use to make life-saving medications!

This means...

  • We're cGMP compliant and certified!
  • We test all of our raw materials for purity before production.
  • We're more than happy to show you our Certificates of Freshness for any of our ingredients to prove their safety and potency. Just ask!
  • Every bottle of Provestra® is individually labelled with a lot number and expiry date.
  • Your safety and results are our #1 priority. It's as simple as that.

And if you have specific concerns about using Provestra®, please speak with your doctor!

Let's talk Provestra® expensive?

If you could buy Provestra® at your local health shop or supplement store - and you can't - a one month supply would retail for $59.95.

However, because we offer Provestra® online, we've cut out the middle man...and we pass the savings on to you!

... In fact, you'll find that it's available for what you'd pay for a high quality multi-vitamin on a monthly basis!

What's more, we can offer you bulk purchase discounts that can put Provestra® in your life for as little as $38 per month!

Do you ship discreetly?

Yes. We ship Provestra® in a plain, discreet package. No one will know what's inside.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Of course we do! Provestra® comes with a 100% RISK FREE moneyback guarantee.

Try Provestra® for 60 days. If it hasn't completely changed your sex life for the better, just return the product and containers and we'll refund your money minus shipping and handling.

How will the charge appear on my credit card?

Charges will appear on your card as "".


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67 days guarantee

Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).

If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple containers, don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned, along with your first two opened containers (within the 60 day guarantee period) will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our products.

Please do not ship any product back after the 67 day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

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